
Timberland has built a reputation for making rugged outdoor gear. In 1973, we introduced our first Timberland waterproof leather boot, setting new standards for craftsmanship, durability and protection for the outdoors. Well-crafted, dependable and authentic, it stands as a symbol for everything Timberland makes. Whether it's for men, women or kids, Timberland gear is built with a passion for the outdoors that's reflected in our commitment to the environment - to get you outdoors comfortably.

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  (224) 585-7241

2 for $70 Hoodies and Sweatpants

2 for $70 Hoodies and Sweatpants Valid on in store merchandise only, prior purchases not eligible. Limit of $500 per customer. Excluding collab produ...

New Season. New Fits

We're loving this goes-with-everything color palette. Stop by and shop in store today!

A New Look For A Classic

Try on our 6'' boots in a new statement hue. Shop in store today!

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  (224) 585-7241

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